Wrapping presents? I enjoy it, usually more than buying the gifts. Here's some examples from the archive, starting with Christmas 2017. For the immediate family, using the very thin decorative paper and self adhesive labels found at my dad’s house, plus pink fabric photographer’s tape and some other odds and ends:

Inspired by Jon Gray’s brilliant cover design for David Foster Wallace’s essay collection Both Flesh and Not:

This is a favourite, from 2018 (I had been reading Simon Hanselmann’s captivating Megg and Mogg books):

Also made this black hole decoration for the tree-top, out of a piece of haberdashery (I think):

I gave the one below to my niece the Christmas she was 4 years old. It’s a brown paper wrapping sprayed silver with sharpie pen writing. The tentacles are made of string. I was proud of how un-festive and grotesque it was. My niece gave no discernible reaction.

Lastly, a bonus gift, in this case for a birthday:

Merry Christmas 1 n All.